有了ChatGPT 我删掉了一些博客
但我还是会继续坚持写作,只是不会再写这些Guideline类型的博客了。 写作的目的是为了记录自己思考的过程,而不是为了记录一些技术细节。
删除: content/posts/chatgpt-bot-for-mattermost.md
删除: content/posts/docker-run-bitwarden.md
删除: content/posts/docker-run-mysql.md
删除: content/posts/docker-run-redis.md
删除: content/posts/go-cheat-sheet.md
删除: content/posts/go-gin-bind-query-params.md
删除: content/posts/nginx-as-static-file-server.md
删除: content/posts/nginx-forward-proxy-config.md
删除: content/posts/python-function-argument.md
删除: content/posts/singapore-sim-card-and-plan.md
删除: content/posts/ubuntu-install-docker.md
删除: content/posts/ubuntu-install-mysql.md
删除: content/posts/ubuntu-install-php.md
删除: content/posts/ubuntu-install-piwigo.md
如Paul Graham所言:
学校现在应该如何教写作,既然 AI 已经可以完成这项任务?他们应该允许使用 AI 或者禁止使用 AI 吗? 他们应该同时这样做。他们应该开设课程,让学生使用 AI 进行写作。但他们也应该开设不使用 AI 的写作课程,让学生学会如何不依赖 AI 进行写作。
How should schools teach writing now that AI can do it? Should they allow AI or ban it? They should do both. They should have classes where students use AI. But they should also have classes where students learn to write without using AI at all. The reason is that writing isn’t just producing a stream of words. Ultimately, learning to write is learning to think. You don’t want to stop learning that.